Galleries 12
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Galleries 12
77 photos

Guestbook for All Photographs
Dr. Elizabeth Naranjo Hayes(non-registered)
Beautiful photography! I especially appreciated the gorgeous shots of my hometown: San Diego!
Gary Moege(non-registered)
Great photos! Imaginative and effective control of light and depth!
Dave good(non-registered)
Retirement is not over stated
I suspect it's too short
Peggy Forstad(non-registered)
It doesn't surprise me that you have other artistic talents as well as music! They seem to go hand in hand. Blessings on your retirement, and may you find great work to do because you WANT to, not because you have to! I'll never forget the time you called me into your office at CMSU and told me I did too much...and that you would only accept my resignation as Grad Assistant if I promised I would finish my Masters program and graduate. I did that, and who would have known where those two degrees would have taken me! I live in Warrensburg now...first time since I was a toddler. Six acres of peaceful winds, my dog and cat, gardens, and more. Looking again for valuable work which will probably involve young women with unplanned pregnancies, as I was once where their babies are. I'll look at your prints and will enjoy your artistic photographic prospective.
Tricia Walker(non-registered)
Great looking website! I look forward to seeing your work going forward...enjoy:)